Obstetrics & Gynecology Albany Medical Center


391 Myrtle Ave.
Floor 2
Albany, NY 12208
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M-F 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Referral Form

EpicCare Link

To make an appointment, call the office at 518-262-4942.

For specialty specific referral numbers, please use the information below:

General Gynecology:  Fax 518-262-5902

Family Planning: Fax 518-262-6904

Gynecologic Oncology: Call 518-264-8077 | Fax 518-262-2675

Maternal Fetal Medicine: Fax 518-262-6904

Urogynecology: Fax 518-262-5902

Location MapLocation Map

Parking Information

Park in the 405 Myrtle Garage and enter 391 Myrtle Ave. on any floor. Validate ticket for free parking at patient registration in your provider’s office.