Surgical Oncology

The Region’s Experts in Surgical Oncology

Our surgical oncologists are well known for providing the highest level of care to patients needing surgery related to tumors. Working closely with colleagues in multiple specialties, our surgeons tailor treatment to each individual patient, ensuring better outcomes.

Care Throughout the Capital Region

In the Albany Med Health System, surgical oncology is available at Albany Medical Center. To make an appointment, call 518-262-0940.

What is surgical oncology?

Surgical oncology is a specialized medical practice that uses surgery to treat and monitor cancer. A surgical oncologist explores for harmful tumors in the body to determine if they are harmful or not, and if they have spread to other parts of the body.

Conditions We Treat

  • Acute leukemia
  • Burkitt lymphoma
  • Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Neurosurgical
  • Orthopedic oncology
  • Pediatric oncology

When do you need surgical oncology?

  • To determine if someone has cancer
  • To determine its severity
  • To prevent the spread of cancer
  • To treat cancer

What do surgical oncologists do?

Surgical oncologists use surgery to remove tumors and nearby tissue that contains cancer cells. They also perform biopsies to determine the size, scope, and severity of an abnormal growth in the body or on the skin.

Surgical Techniques

  • Anal reconstruction
  • Autologous stem cell transplant
  • CAR-T therapy
  • Chemoembolization
  • Flap reconstruction
  • Head and neck resection
  • HIPEC chemotherapy
  • Immune effector cell therapy
  • Laryngectomy
  • Limb reconstruction
  • Radiofrequency ablation

Medical Treatment

In addition to surgery, post-surgical treatment will vary based on your condition, diagnosis and prognosis moving forward.