Regional Covid-19 Vaccination Follows State Guidelines, Allocations

Nearly 30,000 Already Vaccinated in Eight-County Capital Region
Following an announcement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Yorkers in Tier 1B will be eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine beginning Monday, Jan. 11. Tier 1B includes frontline essential workers such as fire fighters, police officers, corrections officers, food and agricultural workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those who work in the educational sector (teachers, support staff, and daycare workers) as well as people aged 75 and older.
The Capital Region Vaccination Network, or Hub, continues working closely with the New York State Department of Health; the Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren and Washington county health departments; federally qualified health centers; and physicians practices to distribute the vaccine to eligible populations according to the state’s plan. The state also dictates supply of the vaccine. As such, points of distribution (PODs) will be established based on vaccine availability. As availability expands, more PODs will be created, and the Hub and its partners will inform members of the community of location and eligibility. The availability of appointments is limited based on current supply. Hospitals have been directed to prioritize vaccine distribution for New Yorkers in Tier 1A, which includes health care workers and residents of long-term health care facilities.
The Capital Region Hub has learned that a statewide website will be launched next week with information regarding eligibility and scheduling. Meanwhile, New Yorkers may use the state’s Am I Eligible tool to determine eligibility.
Nearly 30,000 Capital Region residents have received the Covid-19 vaccine.
The Covid-19 vaccines available now have been approved by the FDA and the CDC. The vaccines are safe and effective. The Capital Region Hub and its county and community partners are committed to the safe, equitable and efficient distribution of the vaccine across the eight-county Capital Region. Vaccination helps us protect ourselves and others, and promises to put the coronavirus pandemic behind us.